Friday, July 6, 2012

BlogHer '12 - What Have I Gotten Myself Into????

In less than a month I will be traveling to the mean streets of New York. A far cry from the small farm town of Gervais, Oregon. I am so utterly excited I can't even contain myself. My agenda is filling up fast, but I am also terrified. Why???

Because I have FOMO.

That's right, I said it. I have FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). There is so much cool stuff that will be going on that I don't even know where to begin. Here I was worried about even having time to get around the entire Expo hall during the conference, and now I'm finding out that I need to make time (assuming I get invites) to all these cool private parties that are happening. Oh and don't forget to have proper etiquette on Twitter, you know, not blatantly asking for invites but flirting with the sponsors in hopes of snagging one.

And I've gotta bring an extra bag for swag.

Can't forget my business cards!!!

What am I going to wear???

Not only that...somewhere in there I need to squeeze in time for actual conference sessions - yea, you know, the actual POINT of the whole thing???

One thing I will NOT be missing out on is Martha Stewart being a Key Note Speaker. She's my girl! Tell me, where else can you find someone like her- super talented, smart- AND she's got street cred? Psh, sign me up!

I'm sure that whatever happens, I will have a fabulous time. It's New York!!! 
If you're going to BlogHer12, connect with me on Twitter! @PreciousCargo15

Now I need to think of what to pack....


1 comment:

  1. FOMO!! lol. Never thought of it like that but it's true.

    And the expo hall is open 9-5 both days (Fri/Sat) so we should have time for that. :)

    I was going to bring a medium-sized rolly bag (duffel bag w/ wheels) and a small backpack, but after hearing about all this supposed swag I will bring my big backpack that I brought to Paris with me in April instead.



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